May 10, 2008

Quincy's Stroke

Quincy had a slight stroke this morning between 5-530 am, had the er come and go to hudson hospital for cat scan and spinal tap sample, and has been at regents getting a variety of tests from MRI, to EEG, and recuperating. tonights best theory-story based on the tests and simplifying the medical terminology it was flu-like conditions this week leading to a clot in her legs getting through a small opening between chambers of her heart eventually to cause a small clot in the right side of her brain injuring her left side motor skills area. She has been having a little trouble speaking and writing correctly but she has made a lot of improvement from this morning and it is hoped with some therapy to get back up to speed in a short time - she has youth acuteness and norwegian stubbornness on her side. the kids took it well, staying with the grandparents.

Btw this kind of opening in your heart they say is like 15% people they can detect it while alive (27% of people have it total - autopsy). they knew she had it in 1999, and most of the time they would say to take asperin once it is found for forever to prevent blood clots from potentially causing this problem but for some reason she was never prescribed that treatment.

Saturday morning: I have to conclude my theory was incorrect, it was not suduko related. We had a loud beeper alarm set to 530 AM, (which I heard this morning), but it was not on when I came upstairs on Friday so at 530AM+ she must have turned off the alarm and went back to lie down. We have two alarms one that has big shiny blue LED numbers and one with hard to read numbers but an Ipod, and have been using the obnoxious LED one for some time while the Ipod is in her car.

She made a lot of improvement through the day Friay - though she has a little trouble speaking and writing correctly it was still a lot of improvement from in the morning - she can read, comprehend everything anyone says. She still had speech difficulties saying some words, but by the end of the night she was using some complete sentences. It is hoped with some therapy - which starts today - to get her through this. A lot of people fully recover after therapy.

Posted by ledlogic at 06:19 AM