September 30, 2006

Kong Legal Battle

Interesting legal dispute that I

Posted by ledlogic at 09:38 AM

September 29, 2006

Web 2.0 Logos

The term Web 2.0 implies a collection of the current state of internet applications.

Here are a set of the logos that make up that application space.

Posted by ledlogic at 09:34 AM

September 18, 2006

Anousheh Ansari Bio

Interesting biographies of the Iranian-American cosmonaut launched into space today. She is the first woman space tourist.

Personal site

Wiki article

Posted by ledlogic at 06:21 AM

September 07, 2006

Star Stuff Quote

Here is the Star Stuff quote I was trying to find. If people has enough education, to understand mathematics, and science, then perhaps they would understand the commonality that we all share. You cannot argue that everyone around you is made of the same basic elements, and those atoms are made of the same subset of subatomic particles. Delenn convinces the caption to see peace with space. I would say the hidden suggestion is that we ought to make peace with each other as well. Really there is not much difference between us, why are their ideas so diverse? Probably because we have control over our own actions, we do not simply aggregate, average out, rather some human interactions cause greater and greater tension and energy to be released.

Delenn: Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain. Perhaps the greatest of all time. The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station and the nebula outside, that burn in the stars themselves. We are star stuff! We are the universe, made manifest, trying to figure itself out. And as we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective.

Posted by ledlogic at 11:15 PM

Great quote site

A site of great quotes. Perhaps this is one of the better insights. But many people are not turned off by these things.

I have always disliked the fake wars created by journalists and politicians. The war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on homelessness. A sure way to never see completion of something is to declare war on a simple concept. Wars can be fought against concrete groups or organizations. You can never wipe out an ism entirely. There certainly is still communism, facsism, and slavery in the world today, though some people quote the "war has never solved anything except..." these things. In actuality, specific instances of these have been defeated, but organically, new versions or renditions of these movements can surface anywhere else, via the efforts of different founders.

Posted by ledlogic at 09:59 PM

Don't use a Star Trek Solution to a Babylon 5 Problem

I saw this post on a blog comment in a search I did for Babylon 5 quotes. Unfortunately, the post did not live up to the quote, but I like the quote nonetheless.

Posted by ledlogic at 09:34 PM

September 04, 2006

Themegen related projects

I am not sure, but I am investigating, if I could use part of these projects to inject the necessary properties for my themegen project:

Right now it looks like more pain than it is worth. All that I really want is to load some properties, set them in some files, and save the files in a different directory. I might end up just doing that myself, even though I would have liked to have used the existing code already out there. It just is not practical to spend hours studying a solution that may or may not fit the problem.

Also see:

Velocity ( - I don't like the $syntax sans curleys.

EnvGen - a competitor? to FMPP - (

VPP - uses Velocity (

Posted by ledlogic at 11:02 AM


Right through the heart? Crikey!

Posted by ledlogic at 09:12 AM

September 03, 2006

Bud light RMOG commercials

Here is a list of real men of genious commercials. For some reason, they don't post all of these on the site.

Posted by ledlogic at 09:29 PM

Numania Videos

After trying to explain the numania video to someone, I found the original Romanian video.

Original numania

LEGO numa numa

Swedish Idol numa

Nike Women Numa

Karoke Numa



Live in Greece

Numa Jesus

More O-zone


Worst weatherman

Worst music video ever

Posted by ledlogic at 07:40 AM

September 02, 2006


Comic book guy from the Simpsons

Posted by ledlogic at 08:34 AM

Sasquatch Videos

Here is the collection of Jack Links sasquatch videos that I found on the internet.

Water trick - internet version

Shaving Cream


Salt Shaker

Posted by ledlogic at 12:27 AM

September 01, 2006

In-game electronic advertising

I was considering this earlier this week. What a nice way to advertise and capture a lot of eyes.

Posted by ledlogic at 10:55 PM

Test your Geography

92%, 19 Miles, 207 seconds.

Posted by ledlogic at 10:43 PM

20 liters while idling

I love the quote, the F-150 consumes 20 liters while idling? Huh? When you leave it running in idle? Over it's lifetime? It's hilarious and demonstrates why they need a basic engineering class in school that at the very least reunites people between numbers and their units.

Posted by ledlogic at 10:19 PM