July 30, 2006

Where the wild things ain't.

Star Fleet Battles
Term Paper

Where the wild things ain't.
- Jeff D. Conrad, USS Wisconsin (Stardate 2006.07.30)

Intelligence reports from the Tholian Holdfast suggest that Tholian captains are excellent monster hunters. Since the arrival of the 312th Battle Fleet (R7.60), monsters have been hunted without discretion using the tactics described here. There are even reports of using these tactics to herd monsters toward the Klingon Tholian Border Harassment Squadron (R7.1). The web caster (E12.0) is a primary reason for success of Tholian tactics against monsters. These tactics use free-standing web (E12.22) in several ways: 1) limit the movement of a monster; 2) create a situation where the Tholian may fire but the monster cannot, 3) lure monsters away from planets or other targets.

The first tactic is successful against monsters with predictable movement. The Planet Killer (SM1.0), and the Sunsnake (SM5.0), are both examples of creatures whose movement patterns are predictable. Monsters follow a preset path to their target, causing them to get caught in stratigically-placed web. The more time that they spend stuck in the web allows the Tholians to analyze and/or destroy the creature. Though the electro-magnetic interference (SM1.45) prohibits firing directly at the creatures from beyong 60,000km, it is possible to still create free-standing web in their path.

The second tactic is used when the Tholian has closed within the monster's attack range. By placing free-standing web between the Tholian and the monster, the monster is prohibited from firing direct-fire weapons at the Tholian (G10.61). Meanwhile, the Tholians may collect information with labs, or use (G10.62) to fire phasers with impunity at the monster.

The third tactic uses the spirit of the killdeer to pull the monster away from its target, and lure it into web. Some monsters have a pursuit mode, where they will veer away from their primary objective and chase a ship. By activating this mode, the Tholian lures the monster to then, then sets up a string of web in the path of both units. The Tholian can pass through and ignore the web in terms of movement as per (G10.53), but the monster will get stuck or slowed. By repeating this procedure, the monster will get further and further away from its objective. This is especially critical if the monster is already near its target.

Web caster tactics may not work against intelligent monsters such as the Space Dragon (SM7.0), or with monsters who have gotten stuck in webs before, and learned their lesson. As with all wild creatures, their exact behavior is not likely to be predictable in any given situation. But it does appear that the Tholians can use their web technology to at least maintain the upper hand when dealing with monsters. It may be possible in a dire situation to recruit a mercenary force of Tholians who would allow their scarce resources to be recruited for hire to help defeat or slow-down a monstrous foe heading through Federation territory.

Posted by ledlogic at 03:26 PM

July 25, 2006

Webtools Link for Eclipse

The link on their website doesn't work, but here is the real link for the webtools downloads.


Posted by ledlogic at 09:26 AM

July 21, 2006

Plugins for Firefox

Here is a list of plug-ins for Mozilla Firefox.

Venkman debugger Allows debugging of Javascript.

HTML Validator - Validates every page you go to.

View source chart plugin - View the source per container

Web developer - Useful tools for developers

ColorZilla - View colors in the browser window

IE Tab - allows you to change the embedded browser in Firefox to IE.

Video downloader

IFox theme

Colorful tabs



Tab X

Show IP

JS View

Google Map Locator

Measure It

Fox Clocks


Cookie Safe

CSS Viewer

View Image

Dictionary Search

Selenium IDE

Context Style Switcher

View Dependencies

Posted by ledlogic at 11:43 PM


This has to be one of the nicest jobs ever.


Posted by ledlogic at 11:07 PM

Internet tubes

Two links about the internet and tubes. Although you can tell what is going on here, it is hilarious video.



Posted by ledlogic at 10:41 PM

July 18, 2006

Nice Risk Game

Found this pretty nice Risk game on sourceforge.


Posted by ledlogic at 10:33 PM

July 09, 2006

Blakes 7 Summary Site

Tonight I finally have finished the basic summary, script and graphics for the Blakes 7 fan site I have been working on for a couple years. I finally sat down and did some image captures tonight using 2x speed. I found it was fun to do, but even though there are only 52 episodes, it still took a while to integrate the information.

In the future, I will probably add to the highlights and try to incorporate a way to view the large images inline on the same page, maybe have a slide show.

Posted by ledlogic at 11:40 PM

July 08, 2006

Bruce Boxleitner

Just got done watching Season 3 again of Babylon 5, YR2260. I just did a quick look up on Anne Sheridan (Melissa Gilbert) on the IMDB and in real-life, she is his wife. If you look back in Bruce William Boxleitner's history and you will see he was in a lot of modern westerns, and he was Tron!

They did spend some time at the beginning of the last episode of Season 3, Z'ha'Dum, to redo the video communications of Anna calling John before she went on her fateful mission. It is too bad they could not have, for purposes of the dvds, also included her footage in the older episodes so that her appearance remained consistent.

Posted by ledlogic at 11:53 PM

Minbari Holographic System - Star Fleet Battles?

From this image, it looks like the Babylon 5 race the Minbari uses a Holographic System for space combat based on Star Fleet Battles.

Posted by ledlogic at 10:57 PM

Left navigation best

Found this in a humorous article at thedailywtf.com.

The article depicting a study was ironically listed on the usability.gov site, which still as of today has a right-navigation motif.

Posted by ledlogic at 10:37 PM

Ellipse Callisto is released

When updating my box at work this week, I discovered a link to the new Eclipse 3.2, plus add-ins, which is referred to as Callisto.

Posted by ledlogic at 08:22 AM

Concept Draw

I originally found out about Concept Draw from a writing group site. I guess they have a separate product Concept Draw Mind Map, for handling neural idea organization a la the Brain. In evaluating the core Concept Draproduct it looks very similar to Visio, but seems to have a more modern set of export formats, to graphics or to PDF for instance. The version of Visio I used at Blue Cross Blue Shield did not have all of these export formats.

I was a little disappointed in their templates. The preview icon for how the template will look like shows color and effects, whereas a document generated from the template does not really load automatically with the colors and effects.

I knew a speaker, Pablo Celi, in the Lawson Thrillspeakers that used a neural chart for his speech notes.

Posted by ledlogic at 08:17 AM

Struts Layout

Struts layout has tags for "required" form fields and "every other" css in lists.

Not sure yet if this is any better than scriptlets which handle list row colors via %2.

Posted by ledlogic at 07:46 AM

Explorer Canvas

Explorer Canvas is a script that enables all kinds of cool graphics within web pages. Now dynamic 2D and 3D images can be controlled by... JavaScript! Very neat script and it does not require any new plugins.

Posted by ledlogic at 07:41 AM

July 06, 2006

Tiles Sans Struts?

The Dilemna: Finding a Tiles example that works with Struts 1.2.9

From the documents on the web you would think it was easy to create a Tiles interface independently of Struts. However the links are dead in the current version. Also, I believe some of the documentation is dated, and the scattered remains you find today on the web are leftover descriptions from an older version of Tiles. I have created a fixed example that fits with some of the previous documentation, but actually will work in the case of using Tiles definitions.

Tiles Background


  1. The Tiles installation document states that in order to use Tile independently, you would use the TilesServlet, located in the struts-tiles-VERSION.jar. There is not a TilesServlet, nor a struts-tiles-VERSION.jar, in the struts-1.2.9-src, -lib, or -bin deliveries. The Tiles installation document has a dead link to http://struts.apache.org/1.x/struts-tiles/cvs-usage.html.
  2. The Tiles FAQ page has a dead link to http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-struts/nightly/sandbox/tiles-core/.
  3. The example in the API from 1.x Struts has some extra escaping of > characters.
  4. The Examples from 1.x Struts page is incomplete.
  5. The Definition tag does not mention name. Name is a required attribute for definition.


  1. To use the Tiles in the current version of Struts, you will need to use the Struts servlet. I have uploaded a working example with all of the necessary components at: http://www.guesttime.com/members/ledlogic/struts/TilesTest-0.1-src.jar If you build this and deploy the war to a webserver, there are 3 examples in the line of the original struts examples, one for pure JSP (/jsp/jspExample.jsp), one with JSP + tiles (/jsp/tilesExample.jsp), and the last is (/jsp/tilesXMLExample.jsp).
  2. I am not sure if there are nightly builds somewhere for tiles.
  3. The javadoc needs to be fixed in the java source for the tiles package.
  4. Perhaps some of the information here could be incorporated. Do you need someone to finish the documentation for Tiles? If so I can help.
  5. See the above example source package for an example. I used name, not id.
Posted by ledlogic at 01:27 AM