December 13, 2008

Pledge of Allegience Reader

I got this from a relative:

77% Say Children...

Here are some readings related to this topic:

Pledge of Allegience Criticisim

Separation of Church and State

Pledge of Allegience

Oath of Allegience

Flag of the United States

VFA Flag Page

Star Spangled Banner


(1) Written by a Christian Socialist, Francis Bellamy.

(2) Under god: added via persuasive efforts of George MacPherson Docherty a Knight of Columbus.

(3) The oath of allegience is most often to the basis of government. In the case of the U. S., government employees must take an oath to the Constitution of the United States.

(4) Quote from Washington: “We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty.”

Posted by ledlogic at December 13, 2008 12:04 AM