January 06, 2007

McCain Just Lost All Credibility With Me

Remove your Vietnam decorations, forget the medals. McCain is supporting more troop involvement. More involvement will mean longer involvement, more cost, and less stability. He must be trying to appeal to what few people in the Republican party think that the Civil War in Iraq would be more "winnable" with just a few more troops. This isn't the game of Risk. Once you have guerrilla style combat, you have to remove your Risk thinking cap. Only the local leaders, who rise up from within, can bring stability. Any further stirring of a Civil War pot is a sure way to gain ill-will for 50+ years to come. The sooner we get out of Iraq, the sooner the ill-will countdown will begin. Of course the Anti-American Independent Hawk Joe Lieberman is on this side as well.

To understand the ways to better a country requires philosophy which none of these leaders have. I am glad Pilosi is finally standing up to all of this lack of futuristic thinking, and the only sound businesswoman who understands sunk costs.

Posted by ledlogic at January 6, 2007 10:12 AM
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