August 25, 2006

Burton Group 2006

My last day at BCBS, Architect Andrei Filiminov gave a talk about the Burton Group conference he attended in early summer 2006.

There were two main sections: future internet trends, and future identity trends.

Future internet trends

The first section dealt with how the Internet is changing. Security policy and crime is a major concern, the next is who is deciding where trends are going - are they politicians and big business, and the changes that Web 2.0 bring.

Is the open internet at risk? Today freedom of access is taken for granted. Tim Wu coined the term net neutrality, representing non-discriminating access. Types of ways to change away from that model include rate shaping, traffic blocking, creating a tiered internet. The technology issues are whether the network is dumb vs. intelligent. Providers argue that they need a tiered internet to continue to provide quality of sservice. Opponents argue that innovation requires a level field. A tertiary diagram would include economics, freedom, and innovation.

There is a conglomerate called the high-tech broadband coalition, consisting of google, amazon, and microsoft.

Packaging of services that you might have are service bundling, net networks. The economics problem of network consumption is the Tragedy of the Commons. Who regulates the network - is it the government or commercial regulation?

Consumer trends in Web 2.0 include VOIP, games, music, and video, network improvements, and wireless home neworks.


How to control technology, without killing it? Compromising, email, network, DNS, search engines. 3 Ph's - phishing pharming and phear. Control is costing the enterprise. Killing spam, working with law enforcement, international law, costs companys millions of dollars. What they want to provide is reliable, trustworthy systems.

Oneof the fundamental security issues is identity management. Everyone has IDs - contacts on their buddy lists. They also have an IP Address, email. An important point is that it is not purely a technological, but a social problem.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is not a single software, or a single technology. Rather it is a loose phrase meaning the next generation of applications and services. A continuation will be the network effect. Web 2.0. Open Source Software. Keywords of this new economy include:

  • Participatory
  • Self-publishing
  • Folksonomy - group tagging of web content
  • Mashapps - more than one service combined to make a more powerful app, using web services. Example: Amazon, google
  • Social networks: P2P, P2O, O2O O=Organization, P= Peer.

Another feature of Web 2.0 are rich internet applications. These are powered by AJAX, Adobe Flash, Flex 2, Open Lazlo, Windoes Presentation Framework (WPF), XUL. They use W3C standards such as XHTML, SVC, SMIL, XForms, CDF, APIs, WAF, RSS, Atom, Rest, and Web Services API. They use semantic web technology such as XML, RDF, and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).

Future Identity Trends

Identity Management

Prosocial ID management. Identity is a social dilemma, not a technology problem. Anxiety. New technology: promote social problems. IdM is a hassle today: Ids, admins, technology. What are the costs of implementing IdM, versus the costs. IdM is really not that secure. Economics mean that administrators can be corrupted.

The effect on the web environment is that there is ID pollution. There are millions of people, but there could be trillions of ids out there. One solution might be a form of CPR common pool resources. The public domain necessitates that your identity is validable by some means, or else your identity can be assumed.

Draco was an athenian politician, who proposed extreme measures, circa 621 B. C. Draconian measures destroy innovation and natural solutions.

Users want stability, but time attacks required instablility to keep secrets truly private. Internet transactions typically include credit, mailing addresses. It would be dangerous to have a google search that gets you someone secrets. Today the SSN is overused. It is used throughout the public domain. The NPI used for medical privacy will probably by compromised in 5-6 years as well.


Social dilemmas are a collaborative action problem. Can dilemmas can be solved best by a large number of people, where individuals collaborate? This was an assertion, but it also goes against the great man theory. Otherwise, you rely on either Government, Commercial Groups, or Technology to solve the problem. A user-centric approach might lead to an approach that those three might not invent, such as decenralized, privacy, scales - issuer and validation decoupled. Person is and uses an ID provider. Collaboration benefits, collusion (freeloading, theft, vandalism) inhibits. Related issues include rationality, involvement, incoming, enforcement, autonomy.

Trust Problem

Web 2.0 parts such as WIkipedia. Online games. Entropia - a virtual world where virtual properties are stored, bought, and sold. Ebay. Blogs. Commecial Email. Commercial IM. All of these have potential

  1. Foundation of cooperation is not trust, but the durability of relation
  2. Conditions are ripe to build a pattern of cooperation with each other
Facilitated Social
Identity Relationship
Privilege Reputation
user participant/contributor

Metrics of the trust system: facilitiated, user controlled or social.

Posted by ledlogic at August 25, 2006 10:11 AM